23 Photos of What Living in 1973 Looked Like
Daniel Bonfiglio
Although 1973 began with American troops still entrenched in war, young men began flying home before the calendar year turned over.
1973 kicked off the second stage of the 1970s and that stage prioritized fun, freedom, and bad decisions.
Here are 23 photos of what living looked like in 1973.
- List View
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- Grid View
1. Watkins Glen
Summer Jam, 1973. -
2. Sigma Chi Derby Day
Auburn University, 1973. -
3. New York City
Midtown traffic, April, 1973. -
4. "Jungle"
Pam Hardy, 1973. -
5. Hiking Mt Saint Helens
Friends in 1973. -
6. Neighborhood Friends
On the loose in 1973. -
7. “My Mom”
“Voted class beauty queen.” 1973. -
8. A Man in a “Sporting Goods” Diving Suit
On the water in 1973. -
9. Riding the Honda Mini Bike
New York, 1973. -
10. “My Dad With a Blunt on His Bike”
“Before his High School graduation, 1973.” -
11. Rick Winters
Getting ready to high dive from 172 feet to set a record in 1973. -
12. L’eggs Display
L'eggsGrocery shopping in 1973. -
13. “My Grandma”
“Smoking and playing guitar in 1973 when she was 40.” -
14. A McDonald's Menu
Fast food in 1973. -
15. Vietnam Soldier
Getting ready to smoke weed out of his gun in 1973. -
16. A Grandmother
Cooking a ham in 1973. -
17. Rick Steves
And his Norwegian relatives in 1973. -
18. The Weiser, Idaho Fiddle Festival
Attendees in 1973. -
19. Easter Celebration
Family in 1973. -
20. Looking Stylish
“Me when long was in,” 1973. -
21. “My Great Grandma in 1973 on a Captured Tank”
Sinai, following the Yom Kippur war. -
22. “My Grandmother”
“Throwing her bouquet in 1973.” -
23. A 19-Year-Old
And his '72 Nova in ‘73.
- The 40 Funniest Tweets from the Last 24 Hours
Watkins Glen
Summer Jam, 1973.
Summer Jam, 1973.